Mr. M. Msisha, SC, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mr. T. Mvalo, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mr. Likongwe, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mrs. I. Ottober, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mr. I. Songea, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mr. Ndalama, Counsel for the 2nd Petitioner Mr. C. Mhone, Counsel for the 2nd Petititioner Dr. C. Silungwe, Counksel for the 1st Petitioner Mr. M.G. Mwale, Counsel for the 1st Petitioner Mr. B. Theu, Counsel for the 1st Petitioner Mr.K. Soko, Counsel for the 1st Petitioner Mr. S.B Tembenu, SC, Counsel for the 1st Respondent Mr. C. Mhango, Counsel for the 1st Respondent Mr. D. Kanyenda, Counsel for 1st Respondent Mr. F. Mbeta, Counsel for 1st Respondent Mr. C. Gondwe, Counsel for 1st Respondent Mr. M. M’meta, Counsel for the 1st Respondent Mr. Masanje, Counsel for the 1st Respondent Hon. K. Kaphale, SC, Attorney General, Counsel for the 2nd Respondent Mr. T. Chokotho, Counsel for the 2nd Respondent Mr. D. M Banda, Counsel for the 2nd Respondent Mr. A.Msowoya, Counsel for Malawi Law Society (Amicus Curiae) Mr. P. Nkhutabasa, Counsel for Malawi Law Society (Amicus Curiae) Dr. B. Malunga, Counsel for Women Lawyers Association (Amicus Curiae) Mr. Mathanda, Court Interpreter Mr. Nkhwazi, Court Interpreter Mr. Chitatu, Court Interpreter Mr. Matchaya, Court Interpreter 2

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