5/21/2020 Decision no. 98-407 DC of January 14, 1999 | Conseil constitutionnel incapacity or nationality or for reasons related to the need to preserve the voter's freedom and the independence of the elected office-holder, and no distinctions may be made between voters and candidates on grounds of gender; the provisions contested must accordingly be declared unconstitutional; (...) Has decided as follows: Article 1 The third paragraph of section 4, section 17 and section 24 are unconstitutional. Article 2 The other provisions contested are constitutional. Article 3 This decision shall be published in the Journal officiel de la République française. Deliberated by the Constitutional Council at its sitting of 14 January 1999, attended by Mr Roland DUMAS, President, and Mr Georges ABADIE, Mr Michel AMELLER, Mr Jean- Claude COLLIARD, Mr Yves GUÉNA, Mr Alain LANCELOT, Ms Noëlle LENOIR, Mr Pierre MAZEAUD and Ms Simone VEIL. À voir aussi sur le site : Communiqué de presse, Commentaire, Dossier documentaire, Texte de la loi déférée, Saisine par 60 députés, Saisine par 60 sénateurs, Observations du gouvernement, Références doctrinales. https://www.conseil-constitutionnel.fr/en/decision/1999/98407DC.htm 2/2

Select target paragraph3