ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE CLAIM NO. ANUHCV2009/0147 BETWEEN DAVEN JOSEPH And CHANDLER CODRINGTON DAVIDSON BENJAMIN PAULINE SIMON LORNA SIMON Petitioner Respondents AND ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE CLAIM NO. ANUHCV2009/0148 BETWEEN PAUL CHET GREENE And ELESTON ADAMS WIGLEY GEORGE SHOY GREGORY ATHILL CORA HUGGINS LORNA SIMON Petitioner Respondents Appearances: Mr. Douglas Mendes SC with Mr. Kendrickson Kentish and Mr. Leon Chaku Symister for the No.1 Respondents/Applicants in the Joseph and Greene matters. Mr. Russell Martineau SC with Ms. Emily Simon-Forde for the No.3 and No.4 Respondents/Applicant in the Joseph matter and for the No.4 and No.5 Respondents/Applicant in the Greene matter. Mr. Hugh Marshall Jr. for the Petitioners/Respondents

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