1 HH 307-18 HC 4863/18 TRUSTEES OF ELECTION RESOURCE CENTRE TRUST versus ZIMBABWE ELECTORAL COMMISSION HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE CHITAPI J HARARE, 29 May 2018 and 6 June, 2018 Urgent Chamber Application T. Maanda, for the applicant T.M Kanengoni, for the respondent CHITAPI J: This application was filed on 28 May 2018. It was placed before me at 4.40pm. I quickly perused it and noted that the applicant inter-alia based the urgency of the application upon the allegation that the relief it sought would be defeated if the relief sought was not granted before the 29th May, 2018. I therefore rescheduled my diarized work of 29 May, 2018 and directed that the application be set down for hearing at 11.30am on 29 May, 2018. At the end of the hearing at about 1.20pm, I advised the parties to check with my clerk at 4.00pm if l was ready with the judgment. After further consideration of the papers and the submissions by counsel for the parties, I resolved to compose a full judgment and advised the parties accordingly. I therefore reserved judgment. This therefore is my judgment on the application. The applicant claims the following relief as set out in the provisional order: Terms of the final order sought That the respondent show cause if any why a final order should not be granted in the following terms: 1. The provision of the provisional voters roll to the applicant is in the interests of public accountability. 2. The refusal by respondent to supply the provisional voters roll infringes the applicant’s right to information and enjoyment of its and other citizens’ rights dependent on access to the information.

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