based on the review of the case file it results that the complainant has submitted the complaint to CEC on 09.10.2019 whereas the deadline of twenty-four hours (24) from the moment when the alleged violation occurred and which according to the complainant it was on 07.10.2019 which means that the complainant submitted the complaint after the expiry of the dead line provided as per Article 5 paragraph 5 of rule 02/2015” Rules and procedures”. Based on the abovementioned reasons and in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 4 of the rule 02/2015 “Rules and procedures”, Article 115 paragraph 1 and 118 of LGE, Panel decided as in the enacting clause of this decision. Elections Complaints and Appeals Panel 350/2019 dated on 10.10.2019 Adnan Konushevci, Chairperson (signed) Legal remedy: No appeal is allowed against this decision.

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