1 IN THE ELECTORAL COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER: 005/2019 In the matter of: FREEDOM FRONT PLUS Applicant and ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF SOUHT AFRICA BLACK FIRST LAND FIRST First Respondent Second Respondent Date of Hearing: 29 April 2019 Date of Order: 29 April 2019 Date of Judgment: 14 May 2019 Coram Mbha JA, Lamont et Wepener JJ, Ms Pather, Member Summary: Electoral law – registration of a political party by chief electoral officer in terms of s 15 of the Electoral Act 51 of 1996. Act requires that registration be published in the Government Gazette (Gazette). Chief electoral officer failing to publish decision to register political party. Right of aggrieved parties to appeal decision to register a political party lies to Commission only after it receives notification of the registration. Such notification is the publication in the Gazette. The failure to publish in the Gazette results in the right to appeal not having accrued. _

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