[Indexed as: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. v. Canada
(Attorney General)]
105 O.R. (3d) 679
2011 ONSC 2281
Ontario Superior Court of Justice,
Himel J.
April 11, 2011
Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Procedure on Charter
application -- Expedited hearing -- Media applicants bringing
application attacking constitutionality of s. 329 of Canada
Elections Act after federal election was called and requesting
urgent and expedited hearing -- Request denied -- Application
could have been brought before federal election was called -Requiring respondent to prepare for hearing in expedited time
frame would cause it significant prejudice -- Requiring
application judge to make quick decision in important and
complex issue not in public interest -- Canada Elections Act,
S.C. 2000, c. 9, s. 329.
After a federal election was called, the media applicants
brought an application challenging the constitutionality of s.
329 of the Canada Elections Act, which prohibits the
transmission of election results in one electoral district to
another electoral district before the close of all polling
stations in that other district. The applicants sought a
2011 ONSC 2281 (CanLII)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation et al. v. Attorney
General of Canada