Chee Siok Chin v Attorney-General [2006] SGHC 112 Case Number : OS 1017/2006, SUM 2419/2006 Decision Date : 22 June 2006 Tribunal/Court : High Court Coram : Andrew Phang Boon Leong JA Counsel Name(s) : M Ravi (M Ravi & Co) for the plaintiff; Jeffrey Chan Wah Teck and Leong Kwang Ian (Attorney-General's Chambers) for the defendant Parties : Chee Siok Chin — Attorney-General Elections – Petition – Procedure and practice – Plaintiff applying for results of general election to be declared void – Plaintiff failing to pay required security for costs within required time – Whether timelines and requirements under r 13 Parliamentary Elections (Application for Avoidance of Election) Rules mandatory – Section 90, Fourth Schedule r 13 Parliamentary Elections Act (Cap 218, 2001 Rev Ed) 22 June 2006 Judgment reserved. Andrew Phang Boon Leong JA: Introduction 1 The plaintiff had applied (pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act (Cap 218, 2001 Rev Ed) (“the Act”), specifically, s 90 thereof) for the following orders on 24 May 2006 (by way of Originating Summons No 1017 of 2006, naming the Attorney-General as the defendant): (a) that the results of the General Elections 2006 be declared null and void; (b) that the ban on podcasting during the period of the General Elections 2006 be declared unconstitutional; and (c) such other relief and/or remedies as the court deems fit. 2 The plaintiff was, in fact, a member of the team from the Singapore Democratic Party which unsuccessfully contested the Group Representation Constituency of Sembawang during the General Elections held on 6 May 2006, although it is not altogether clear in what capacity she made her application pursuant to the Act (cf generally s 93 of the Act). In any event, this is not an issue in the present proceedings. 3 In the present proceedings, the defendant applied, pursuant to r 13(4) of the Parliamentary Elections (Application for Avoidance of Election) Rules (which are located at the Fourth Schedule to the Act and are hereafter referred to as the “PER”), for the following orders: (1) That the Plaintiff’s application under the Parliamentary Elections Act [referred to at [1] above] be dismissed. (2) That the Plaintiff pay the Defendant’s costs of this application forthwith. 4 The basis for the application in the present proceedings (which was filed on 31 May 2006) is that the plaintiff had failed to comply with r 13 of the PER – in particular, r 13(1). The rule itself reads as follows:

Select target paragraph3